Arts & Design

I am an art person.  I love the visual arts.

Here is some of my creative work.

I started drawing at the early age of four years with crayons. I drew a mouse. Then I drew a firecracker, some stars and a picture of my brother. Since then I have never stopped drawing. During my childhood in St. Louis I took painting lessons. I looked forward every Saturday to my mom taking me to the Art Mart for my morning painting class.

As a college student, I majored in fine arts. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Indiana University and graduated with a specialization in printmaking.

Never stop working!  All is fun, fun, fun for me.

I have been very lucky in my work life as an adult to have always had a job that involved creative work. I have worked for private and public companies doing packaging design, new product concept development and testing, print and television advertising, p.o.s. merchandising materials, and copy and design for print, video, email marketing and website.

Even while raising my three children I enjoyed organizing art projects for their classes at school. I always volunteer to spruce up a bulletin board, design a newsletter or paint a set design for the school play. All of this is fun, fun, fun for me.