Marketing Communications


had been working in the healthcare industry in marketing communications for several years doing primarily concept and copy development. I wanted to do the design work as well. So many companies need someone that can do everything. I was able to get that chance at AW Health Care. They have found so much work for me to do that my job has turned into 40 hours a week


I write a monthly four-page newsletter, called Aging Well Journal, for the general St. Louis community and specific senior living facilities. I designed the masthead which I have updated annually over the last four years. This newsletter is created in InDesign for print and adapted in Constant Contact for emailing to staff and professional referral sources. Here is the newsletter in flipbook form:


I created a Summary of Services Brochure for marketing. I sourced the photos from Adobe Stock. I wrote all the copy and created the layout in InDesign. Here is this brochure in flipbook form:


I developed this tri-fold brochure to be an item given out at health fairs and events to promote the overall home health/in-home care services to the consumer market. Here is the tri-fold as a flipbook:

AW Achievers EMail Announcement

This was part of a communications campaign for a quarterly recognition program. Each quarter top performer employees receive an award and the whole company participates in the celebration. This was an email invitation to the quarterly event featuring a food truck lunch. I sourced the food truck illustration on Adobe Stock. The rest of the design, layout and copy is my creation.

AW Walks Announcement

This was an email advertisement for AW staff which I created in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. I sourced the photo on Adobe Stock, wrote the copy, developed the AW Walks logo, bought the t-shirts and created the email.

Flu Poster

I designed a complete marketing support package that includes a flyer, poster, sign-up sheet, brochure, and sticker to market flu clinics to senior living communities. The flu bug illustration was sourced on Adobe Stock.  I developed the concept and designed all these pieces. I prepared the files and produced all these materials for AW Health Care. I have also created consumer health information on this theme for a flipbook layout:

Skin Care Lecture Handout

This a health information lecture handout on skin care. I develop the copy with a clinical professional and create the handout and a quiz on the same material in InDesign. This topic was also created as a flipbook:

Customer Networking Event Invitation

AW Health Care hosts a networking event for customers. The theme was and  ”Evening Escape to Paris.” I hand-lettered the logo using a Wacom tablet and created the invitation layout in Photoshop.

Customer Appreciation Event Invitation

AW hosted an appreciation event for customers with an Italian theme. I developed the theme, “After Hours with AW –  Apprezzamento”. I created the invitation design and layout in Illustrator.