
Drawing has been the basis of much of my fine art and design work. I like to create small thumbnails of layouts and designs. Oftentimes I will start with cut paper or hand-printed marks to get my ideas started. In other instances, what starts as a schematic will turn into a more finished drawing.

Because I liked working with collagraphs, my drawings will often be partly hand drawing a partly collage or assembly.

Many of these drawings follow my interest in fantasy characters and landscapes.

Primal 47829

This is a 24 by 24 drawing/painting assembly on a stiff rag paper which incorporates cut paper, paint and pencils. Most of my drawings at this time were studies in form and shape which I was using to develop collagraphs.

Primal Alphabet 7389

This is a 24 by 18 drawing/painting assembly on a buff-colored rag paper. I assembled cut images with ink, water color and colored pencils to create a grid-like pattern. I was exploring the use of wood block printing using baby blocks and incorporating those prints into a larger drawing to create a composite of printmaking and drawing.

Jackal’s Long-Remembered Party

This is a small 10 by 6 drawing/assembly on cardboard using cut papers and colored pencils primarily. I was working on a couple of studies to develop the evil Skeezix and his unsuspecting friends who were mostly farm animals.

Game Room

This is an 8 by 12 drawing/assembly on cardboard. I used newsprint, notebook paper and rag paper. Creature shapes were both cut-out and glued and also hand drawn with white paint and colored pencil. The checkerboard/chess table in the background inspired the game.

Primal 5243

This is a 19 by 18 drawing/painting assembly on a smooth cardboard which is constructed with a diversity of small papers/newsprint squares. Paint, charcoal, colored pencil and lead pencil defines the individual squares of color.

First Big Catch
Ryan And the big Fish

This is a Photoshop drawing of my son with his first big fish that he caught on a fishing trip that he went on to the Texas Gulf with his father.


This is a drawing done in Illustrator as part of a graphic design class. The assignment was to draw a piece of technology. I chose the controller because my children all love video games.

My winter Garden

This is an 18 by 24 hand drawing on rag paper for an illustration class. The assignment was to create a collection of small studies of a theme. I chose to work from real life in my backyard. I created this with lead pencils and colored pencils.

Food Illustration

This is a large triptych of drawings for use as wall art in a Chinese bistro. This was done in Illustrator as part of an assignment in a computer art studio class.